Flick Video Player for Flutter

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flick player demo

Flick Video Player is a video player for flutter. The video_player plugin gives low level access for the video playback. Flick Player wraps video_player under the hood and provides base architecture for developers to create their own set of UI and functionalities.


  • Double tap to seek video.
  • On video tap play/pause, mute/unmute, or perform any action on video.
  • Auto hide controls.
  • Custom animations.
  • Custom controls for normal and fullscreen.
  • Auto-play list of videos.
  • Change playback speed.
  • Keyboard shortcuts for web.

Demo Mobile

flick player demo
flick player demo

Demo Web

flick player demo web


Please run the app in the example/ folder to start playing!
Refer to this article to understand how things are working under the hood.

See also  Day Night Time Picker in flutter


Add the following dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file of your flutter project.

 flick_video_player: <latest_version>
 video_player: <latest_version>

How to use

Create a FlickManager and pass the manager to FlickVideoPlayer, make sure to dispose FlickManager after use.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flick_video_player/flick_video_player.dart';
import 'package:video_player/video_player.dart';

class SamplePlayer extends StatefulWidget {
  SamplePlayer({Key key}) : super(key: key);

  _SamplePlayerState createState() => _SamplePlayerState();

class _SamplePlayerState extends State<SamplePlayer> {
  FlickManager flickManager;
  void initState() {
    flickManager = FlickManager(

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      child: FlickVideoPlayer(
        flickManager: flickManager

Public Classes Summary

FlickVideoPlayerMain entry point, takes a FlickManager and a widget flickVideoWithControls as one of the arguments.
FlickManagerManages all the video related operations with the help of different managers.
FlickVideoManager is responsible to maintain life-cycle of a video, change a video and listen to state changes on the video.
FlickControlManager is responsible to perform action on the video such as play, mute, seek, toggle full-screen etc.
FlickDisplayManager is responsible to show/hide controls when player state changes.
FlickVideoWithControlsA helper widget to render video_player using FlickNativeVideoPlayer and Custom player controls. To create video player with custom controls you have to use this widget and pass this to FlickVideoPlayer in the argument flickVideoWithControlsclosedCaptionTextStyle argument added to style video subtitles.
FlickPlayToggleA UI helper widget to create play/pause/replay button for the video player. You can either pass your custom play, pause and replay widgets or change settings for the default icons.
FlickSoundToggleA UI helper widget to create mute/unmute button for the video player. You can either pass your custom mute and unmute widgets or change settings for the default icons.
FlickFullscreenToggleA UI helper widget to create fullscreen/fullscreen_exit button for the video player. You can either pass your custom fullscreen and fullscreen_exit widgets or change settings for the default icons.
FlickVideoProgressBarA UI helper widget to create progress bar for your video player. It takes FlickProgressBarSettings as one of the arguments so that user can create a custom progress bar. This is highly customizable, user can almost change all the properties of the progress bar like heighthandleRadius, provide custom Color or custom Paint.
FlickTotalDurationA text UI helper widget to show total duration of the video.
FlickCurrentPositionA text UI helper widget to show current position of the video.
FlickLeftDurationA text UI helper widget to show left duration of the video.
FlickSetPlayBackA text UI helper widget to change the playback speed of the video.
FlickVideoBufferA UI helper widget to show CircularProgressIndicator or your custom widget when the video is buffering.
FlickAutoPlayCircularProgressA UI helper widget to show circular progress bar with timer to switch to the next video.
FlickSeekVideoActionAn Action helper to seek video forward/backward by custom Duration on double tap of screen. Takes child as one of the arguments to nest other actions or widgets.
FlickShowControlsActionAn Action helper to toggle between show/hide of controls on tap of the screen. Takes child as one of the arguments to nest other actions or widgets.
FlickTogglePlayActionAn action helper to toggle between play/pause on tap of the screen. Takes child as one of the arguments to nest other actions or widgets.
FlickToggleSoundActionAn action helper to toggle between mute/unmute on tap of the screen. Takes child as one of the arguments to nest other actions or widgets.
FlickSubtitleToggleAn action helper to toggle between display subtitle/no-subtitle on tap of the screen. Takes child as one of the arguments to nest other actions or widgets.

To play a list of videos you have to create your custom DataManager, You can find some of the implementations in /example folder.

See also  Nano Local Music Player Build with Flutter

UI Helper and Action helpers are widgets which interacts with FlickDisplayManager, FlickControlManager and FlickVideoManager you can easily create your custom widgets/actions, Provider package is used for state management.


Guideline for web: As we are using video_player_web under-hood please follow video_player_web doc before you start.

Default shortcuts

fToggle full-screen
mToggle mute
ArrowRightSeek forward
ArrowLeftSeek backward
(Space character)Toggle play
ArrowUpIncrease volume
ArrowDownDecrease volume
  • You can pass webKeyDownHandler argument to FlickVideoPlayer and manage the keyboard shortcuts yourself.
See also  Flutter Tab Layout using Tabcontroller


  • Esc shortcut to exit from full-screen is in development.

Origin of third party content



Visit here for more video player releated posts.


This project is developed by xande-er
Download this project from the below link.
You can visit original source page from the below link:

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