A Styled Toast Flutter package. You can highly customize toast with flutter ever. Beautify toast with a series of animations and make toast more beautiful.
A Styled Toast Flutter package. You can highly customize toast ever. Beautify toast with a series of animations and make toast more beautiful.

Null safety
dependencies: flutter_styled_toast: ^2.2.1
Getting Started
dependencies: flutter_styled_toast: ^1.5.2+3
import 'package:flutter_styled_toast/flutter_styled_toast.dart';
//Simple to use, no global configuration showToast("hello styled toast",context:context); //Customize toast content widget, no global configuration showToastWidget(Text('hello styled toast'),context:context);
//Interactive toast, set [isIgnoring] false. showToastWidget( Container( padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 18.0), margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 50.0), decoration: ShapeDecoration( shape: RoundedRectangleBorder( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5.0), ), color: Colors.green[600], ), child: Row( children: [ Text( 'Jump to new page', style: TextStyle( color: Colors.white, ), ), IconButton( onPressed: () { ToastManager().dismissAll(showAnim: true); Navigator.push(context, MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) { return SecondPage(); })); }, icon: Icon( Icons.add_circle_outline_outlined, color: Colors.white, ), ), ], mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, ), ), context: context, isIgnoring: false, duration: Duration.zero, );
//Set an animation showToast('This is normal toast with animation', context: context, animation: StyledToastAnimation.scale, ); ///Set both animation and reverse animation, ///combination different animation and reverse animation to achieve amazing effect. showToast('This is normal toast with animation', context: context, animation: StyledToastAnimation.scale, reverseAnimation: StyledToastAnimation.fade, position: StyledToastPosition.center, animDuration: Duration(seconds: 1), duration: Duration(seconds: 4), curve: Curves.elasticOut, reverseCurve: Curves.linear, ); ```dart ```dart ///Custom animation and custom reverse animation, ///combination different animation and reverse animation to achieve amazing effect. AnimationController mController; AnimationController mReverseController; @override void initState() { super.initState(); mController = AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200)); mReverseController = AnimationController(vsync: this, duration: Duration(milliseconds: 200)); } showToast('This is normal toast with custom animation', context: context, position: StyledToastPosition.bottom, animDuration: Duration(seconds: 1), duration: Duration(seconds: 4), animationBuilder: ( BuildContext context, AnimationController controller, Duration duration, Widget child, ) { return SlideTransition( position: getAnimation<Offset>( Offset(0.0, 3.0), Offset(0, 0), controller, curve: Curves.bounceInOut), child: child, ); }, reverseAnimBuilder: ( BuildContext context, AnimationController controller, Duration duration, Widget child, ) { return SlideTransition( position: getAnimation<Offset>( Offset(0.0, 0.0), Offset(-3.0, 0), controller, curve: Curves.bounceInOut), child: child, ); }, ); ```dart ```dart ///Custom animation, custom reverse animation and custom animation controller showToast('This is normal toast with custom animation and controller', context: context, position: StyledToastPosition.bottom, animDuration: Duration(seconds: 1), duration: Duration(seconds: 4), onInitState:(Duration toastDuration, Duration animDuration) async { try { await mController.forward().orCancel; Future.delayed(toastDuration - animDuration, () async { await mReverseController.forward().orCancel; mController.reset(); mReverseController.reset(); }); } on TickerCanceled {} }, animationBuilder: ( BuildContext context, AnimationController controller, Duration duration, Widget child, ) { return SlideTransition( position: getAnimation<Offset>( Offset(0.0, 3.0), Offset(0, 0), controller, curve: Curves.bounceInOut), child: child, ); }, reverseAnimBuilder: ( BuildContext context, AnimationController controller, Duration duration, Widget child, ) { return SlideTransition( position: getAnimation<Offset>( Offset(0.0, 0.0), Offset(-3.0, 0), controller, curve: Curves.bounceInOut), child: child, ); }, ); ```dart Simple global configuration, wrap you app with StyledToast. ```dart StyledToast( locale: const Locale('en', 'US'), child: MaterialApp( title: appTitle, showPerformanceOverlay: showPerformance, home: LayoutBuilder( builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) { return MyHomePage( title: appTitle, onSetting: onSettingCallback, ); }, ), ), );
Highly Customizable global configuration
StyledToast( locale: const Locale('en', 'US'), //You have to set this parameters to your locale textStyle: TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0, color: Colors.white), //Default text style of toast backgroundColor: Color(0x99000000), //Background color of toast borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(5.0), //Border radius of toast textPadding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 17.0, vertical: 10.0),//The padding of toast text toastPositions: StyledToastPosition.bottom, //The position of toast toastAnimation: StyledToastAnimation.fade, //The animation type of toast reverseAnimation: StyledToastAnimation.fade, //The reverse animation of toast (display When dismiss toast) curve: Curves.fastOutSlowIn, //The curve of animation reverseCurve: Curves.fastLinearToSlowEaseIn, //The curve of reverse animation duration: Duration(seconds: 4), //The duration of toast showing, when set [duration] to Duration.zero, toast won't dismiss automatically. animDuration: Duration(seconds: 1), //The duration of animation(including reverse) of toast dismissOtherOnShow: true, //When we show a toast and other toast is showing, dismiss any other showing toast before. movingOnWindowChange: true, //When the window configuration changes, move the toast. fullWidth: false, //Whether the toast is full screen (subtract the horizontal margin) isHideKeyboard: false, //Is hide keyboard when toast show isIgnoring: true, //Is the input ignored for the toast animationBuilder: (BuildContext context,AnimationController controller,Duration duration,Widget child,){ // Builder method for custom animation return SlideTransition( position: getAnimation<Offset>(Offset(0.0, 3.0),Offset(0,0), controller,curve: Curves.bounceInOut), child: child, ); }, reverseAnimBuilder: (BuildContext context,AnimationController controller,Duration duration,Widget child,){ // Builder method for custom reverse animation return SlideTransition( position: getAnimation<Offset>(Offset(0.0, 0.0),Offset(-3.0,0), controller,curve: Curves.bounceInOut), child: child, ); }, child: MaterialApp( title: appTitle, showPerformanceOverlay: showPerformance, home: LayoutBuilder( builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) { return MyHomePage( title: appTitle, onSetting: onSettingCallback, ); }, ), ), ); ```dart ```dart //After global configuration, use in a single line. showToast("hello styled toast"); //After global configuration, Customize toast content widget showToastWidget(Text('hello styled toast'));

StyledToast param
property | description |
locale | Locale (Not Null)(required You have to set this parameters to your locale) |
child | Widget (Not Null)(required) |
textAlign | TextAlign (default TextAlign.center) |
textDirection | TextDirection (default TextDirection.ltr) |
borderRadius | BorderRadius (BorderRadius.circular(5.0)) |
backgroundColor | Color (default Color(0x99000000)) |
textPadding | EdgeInsetsGeometry (default EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 17.0,vertical: 8.0)) |
toastHorizontalMargin | double (default 50.0) |
textStyle | TextStyle (default TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0,fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,color: Colors.white)) |
shapeBorder | ShapeBorder (default RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: borderRadius)) |
duration | Duration (default 2.3s)(When set [duration] to Duration.zero, toast won’t dismiss automatically) |
animDuration | Duration (default 400 milliseconds, animDuration * 2 <= duration, conditions must be met for toast to display properly) |
toastPositions | StyledToastPosition (default StyledToastPosition.bottom) |
toastAnimation | StyledToastAnimation (default StyledToastAnimation.fade) |
reverseAnimation | StyledToastAnimation |
alignment | AlignmentGeometry (default Alignment.center) |
axis | Axis (default Axis.vertical) |
startOffset | Offset |
endOffset | Offset |
reverseStartOffset | Offset |
reverseEndOffset | Offset |
curve | Curve (default Curves.linear) |
reverseCurve | Curve (default Curves.linear) |
dismissOtherOnShow | bool (default true) |
onDismiss | VoidCallback (Invoked when toast dismiss) |
fullWidth | bool (default false)(Full width parameter that the width of the screen minus the width of the margin.) |
isHideKeyboard | bool (default false)(Is hide keyboard when toast show) |
animationBuilder | CustomAnimationBuilder (Builder method for custom animation) |
reverseAnimBuilder | CustomAnimationBuilder (Builder method for custom reverse animation) |
isIgnoring | bool (default true) |
onInitState | OnInitStateCallback (When toast widget [initState], this callback will be called) |
showToast param
property | description |
msg | String (Not Null)(required) |
context | BuildContext (If you don’t wrap app with StyledToast, context is required, otherwise, is not) |
duration | Duration (default 2.3s)(When set [duration] to Duration.zero, toast won’t dismiss automatically) |
animDuration | Duration (default 400 milliseconds, animDuration * 2 <= duration, conditions must be met for toast to display properly) |
position | StyledToastPosition (default StyledToastPosition.bottom) |
textStyle | TextStyle (default TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0,fontWeight: FontWeight.normal,color: Colors.white)) |
textPadding | EdgeInsetsGeometry (default EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 17.0,vertical: 8.0)) |
backgroundColor | Color (default Color(0x99000000)) |
borderRadius | BorderRadius (BorderRadius.circular(5.0)) |
shapeBorder | ShapeBorder (default RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: borderRadius)) |
onDismiss | VoidCallback (Invoked when toast dismiss) |
textDirection | TextDirection (default TextDirection.ltr) |
dismissOtherOnShow | bool (default true) |
toastAnimation | StyledToastAnimation (default StyledToastAnimation.fade) |
reverseAnimation | StyledToastAnimation |
alignment | AlignmentGeometry (default Alignment.center) |
axis | Axis (default Axis.vertical) |
startOffset | Offset |
endOffset | Offset |
reverseStartOffset | Offset |
reverseEndOffset | Offset |
textAlign | TextAlign (default TextAlign.center) |
curve | Curve (default Curves.linear) |
reverseCurve | Curve (default Curves.linear) |
fullWidth | bool (default false)(Full width parameter that the width of the screen minus the width of the margin) |
isHideKeyboard | bool (default false)(Is hide keyboard when toast show) |
animationBuilder | CustomAnimationBuilder (Builder method for custom animation) |
reverseAnimBuilder | CustomAnimationBuilder (Builder method for custom reverse animation) |
isIgnoring | bool (default true)(Is the input ignored for the toast) |
onInitState | OnInitStateCallback (When toast widget [initState], this callback will be called) |
showToastWidget param
property | description |
widget | Widget (Not Null)(required) |
context | BuildContext (If you don’t wrap app with StyledToast, context is required, otherwise, is not) |
duration | Duration (default 2.3s)(When set [duration] to Duration.zero, toast won’t dismiss automatically) |
animDuration | Duration (default 400 milliseconds, animDuration * 2 <= duration, conditions must be met for toast to display properly) |
onDismiss | VoidCallback (Invoked when toast dismiss) |
dismissOtherOnShow | bool (default true) |
textDirection | TextDirection (default TextDirection.ltr) |
position | StyledToastPosition (default ) |
animation | StyledToastAnimation (default StyledToastAnimation.fade) |
reverseAnimation | StyledToastAnimation |
alignment | AlignmentGeometry (default Alignment.center) |
axis | Axis (default Axis.vertical) |
startOffset | Offset |
endOffset | Offset |
reverseStartOffset | Offset |
reverseEndOffset | Offset |
curve | Curve (default Curves.linear) |
reverseCurve | Curve (default Curves.linear) |
isHideKeyboard | bool (default false)(Is hide keyboard when toast show) |
animationBuilder | CustomAnimationBuilder (Builder method for custom animation) |
reverseAnimBuilder | CustomAnimationBuilder (Builder method for custom reverse animation) |
isIgnoring | bool (default true )(Is the input ignored for the toast) |
onInitState | OnInitStateCallback (When toast widget [initState], this callback will be called) |
Learn about toast. click here
This project is developed by JackJonson
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