A Focusable and Blurable TextField Widget in Flutter
Flutter Focus Widget
A focusable and blurable widget of based on the FocusNode.
When the FocusWidget had focusTap this FocusWidget outside area will call the FocusNode’s unfocus method and trigger the FocusNode’s listener

import 'package:flutter/cupertino.dart'; import 'package:flutter/gestures.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; typedef FocusNodeBuilder = Widget Function( BuildContext context, FocusNode focusNode); typedef OnLostFocus = void Function(Widget widget, FocusNode focusNode); class FocusWidget extends StatefulWidget { final FocusNode focusNode; final Widget child; final OnLostFocus? onLostFocus; final bool showFocusArea; const FocusWidget({ Key? key, required this.child, required this.focusNode, this.showFocusArea = false, this.onLostFocus, }) : super(key: key); @override FocusWidgetState createState() => FocusWidgetState(); static FocusWidget builder( BuildContext context, { required FocusNodeBuilder builder, showFocusArea = false, OnLostFocus? onLostFocus, }) { // print('builder area $showFocusArea'); final focusNode = FocusNode(); return FocusWidget( focusNode: focusNode, showFocusArea: showFocusArea, onLostFocus: onLostFocus, child: builder( context, focusNode, ), ); } } class FocusWidgetState extends State<FocusWidget> { OverlayEntry? _overlayEntry; late Rect rect; @override void initState() { // print('state init'); widget.focusNode.addListener(update); super.initState(); } @override void didUpdateWidget(FocusWidget oldWidget) { // print('didUpdateWidget'); widget.focusNode.removeListener(update); widget.focusNode.addListener(update); super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); } @override void dispose() { widget.focusNode.removeListener(update); super.dispose(); } void update() { final renderBox = context.findRenderObject() as RenderBox; final size = renderBox.size; final offset = renderBox.localToGlobal(Offset.zero); rect = Rect.fromLTWH(offset.dx, offset.dy, size.width, size.height); _createOverlay(); } void _removeOverlay() { _overlayEntry?.remove(); _overlayEntry = null; } void _createOverlay() { _removeOverlay(); if (widget.focusNode.hasFocus) { // print('has focus'); final children = <Widget>[ Listener( behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent, onPointerMove: (e) { final scope = FocusScope.of(context); scope.unfocus(); }, onPointerUp: (e) { // print('onPointerDown'); if (rect.contains(e.position) == false) { // print('超出'); final scope = FocusScope.of(context); scope.unfocus(); if (widget.onLostFocus != null) widget.onLostFocus?.call(widget.child, widget.focusNode); _removeOverlay(); } }, ), ]; if (widget.showFocusArea) { children.insert( 0, Positioned.fromRect( rect: rect, child: Container( color: Color(0x60ff0000), ), )); } _overlayEntry = new OverlayEntry( builder: (context) { return Stack( children: children, ); }, ); Overlay.of(context)?.insert(_overlayEntry!); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return NotificationListener<LayoutChangedNotification>( child: widget.child, onNotification: (LayoutChangedNotification notification) { // print('notification $notification'); update(); return true; }, ); } }
This is developed by gzlock
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