Flex Grid View in Flutter
The FlexGrid control provides a powerful and quickly way to display data in a tabular format. It is including that frozened column/row,loading more, high performance and better experience in TabBarView/PageView.
parameter | description | default |
frozenedColumnsCount | The count of forzened columns | 0 |
frozenedRowsCount | The count of forzened rows | 0 |
cellBuilder | The builder to create cell | required |
cellBuilder | The builder to create header | required |
columnsCount | The count of columns, it should big than 0 | required |
source | The data source of [FlexGrid] | required |
rowWrapper | decorate row widget in this call back | null |
rebuildCustomScrollView | rebuild when source is changed, It’s from [LoadingMoreCustomScrollView] | false |
controller | The [ScrollController] on vertical direction | null |
horizontalController | The [SyncControllerMixin] for horizontal direction | null |
outerHorizontalSyncController | The Outer [SyncControllerMixin], for example [ExtendedTabBarView] or [ExtendedPageView]. It make better experience when scroll on horizontal direction | null |
physics | The physics on both horizontal and vertical direction | null |
highPerformance | If true, forces the children to have the given extent(Cell height/width) in the scroll direction. | false |
headerStyle | An immutable style describing how to create header | CellStyle.header() |
cellStyle | An immutable style describing how to create cell | CellStyle.cell() |
indicatorBuilder | Widget builder for different loading state, it’s from [LoadingMoreCustomScrollView] | null |
extendedListDelegate | A delegate that provides extensions, it’s from [LoadingMoreCustomScrollView] | null |
headersBuilder | The builder to custom the headers of [FlexGrid] | null |
[FlexGrid.source] is form loading_more_list, LoadingMoreBase is data collection for loading more. override loadData method to load your data. set hasMore to false when it has no more data.
class FlexGridSource extends LoadingMoreBase<GridRow> { int _pageIndex = 1; void _load() { for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { add(GridRow(name: 'index:$_pageIndex-$i')); } } @override bool get hasMore => _pageIndex < 4; @override Future<bool> loadData([bool isloadMoreAction = false]) async { await Future<void>.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2)); _load(); _pageIndex++; return true; } @override Future<bool> refresh([bool notifyStateChanged = false]) async { _pageIndex = 1; return super.refresh(notifyStateChanged); } }
decorate row widget in this call back.
FlexGrid( rowWrapper: ( BuildContext context, T data, int row, Widget child, ) { return Column( children: <Widget>[ child, const Divider(), ], ); }, );
you can add anyother headers in this call back.
FlexGrid( headersBuilder: (BuildContext b, Widget header) { return <Widget>[ header, SliverToBoxAdapter( child: PullToRefreshContainer( (PullToRefreshScrollNotificationInfo info) { return PullToRefreshHeader( info, source.lastRefreshTime, ); }), ), ]; }, );
This is developed by fluttercandies
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