Slider Button Widget for Flutter

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Slider Button

Slider Button Widget for Flutter

This package provides an easy implementation of a Slider Button to cancel current transaction or screen. Highly customizable iphone alike looking widget.

Slider Button
Slider Button

How to use

Type 1

This is a Circle type widget. You just need to define the border radius to swap between rectangle and circle type widget.

Slider Button
Slider Button
import 'package:slider_button/slider_button.dart';
Center(child: SliderButton(
      action: () {
        ///Do something here
       label: Text(
          "Slide to cancel Event",
          style: TextStyle(
              color: Color(0xff4a4a4a), fontWeight: FontWeight.w500, fontSize: 17),
      icon: Text(
        style: TextStyle(
          color: Colors.white,
          fontWeight: FontWeight.w400,
          fontSize: 44,


Type 2

This is a Rectangle type widget.

Slider Button
Slider Button
import 'package:slider_button/slider_button.dart';
      action: () {
        ///Do something here OnSlide

      ///Put label over here
      label: Text(
        "Slide to cancel !",
        style: TextStyle(
            color: Color(0xff4a4a4a),
            fontWeight: FontWeight.w500,
            fontSize: 17),
      icon: Center(
          child: Icon(
        color: Colors.white,
        size: 40.0,
        semanticLabel: 'Text to announce in accessibility modes',

      ///Change All the color and size from here.
      width: 230,
      radius: 10,
      buttonColor: Color(0xffd60000),
      backgroundColor: Color(0xff534bae),
      highlightedColor: Colors.white,

Custom Usage

There are several options that allow for more control:

See also  Use Emojis in Slider Widget for Flutter
actionnull(required) Define an action after slidding a button
childnullFor more customizable button add your own widget
vibrationFlagfalsecontrols vibration on successful dismissed
heightnull ?? 70Gives a height to a widget
widthnull ?? 250Gives a width to a widget
backgroundColorColor(0xffececec)Gives a background color to a widget
baseColorColor(0xff4a4a4a)Gives a shimmer base color to a widget
highlightedColorColors.whiteGives a shimmer highlighted color to a widget
buttonColorColors.blackGives a color to a slidder button
labelnullA text widget which assigns a label.
alignLabelAlignment(0.4, 0)Aligns text label
boxShadownullGives a shadow to a slidder button
iconnullA widget to provide an icon to a button
shimmerfalseenables/disables shimmer effect on the label
dismissibletrueMake it false if you want maintain the widget in the tree
buttonSizenull ?? 60Gives size to a button
dismissThresholds1.0The offset threshold when it should be considered dismissed


This is developed by anirudhsharma392
Download this project from the below link.
You can visit original source page from the below link:

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