What is Supabase
Flutter Getx State Management – Supabase is an open source and it’s an alternative to Firebase. Supabase is based on Postgres database, it has many advanced features, you can use their Database, Authentication, Instant APIs, Edge Functions, Realtime Subscriptions, Storage, and Vector embeddings. Supabase with Flutter has really good advantages, it has provided a very well document.
Tech Stack
- CRUD Notes (title, description)
- Foreign key from users table in notes table
- Authentication & Authorization
- Fully Getx cli pattern implementation
- Automatic logout based on time after login
Environment Variables
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file or change .env.example to .env and don’t forget to set the environment key
= “Your Supabase URL”
= “Your Supabase anonKey”
Run Locally
Clone the projectgit clone https://github.com/fridolinf/supabase_example.git
Go to the project directory
cd supabase_example
Install getx cli globallypub global activate get_cli
see full implementation: https://pub.dev/packages/get_cli
Install dependencies
- using flutter cli and vscode
flutter pub get
DB Schema

Notes Table

This project was developed by fridolinf
Download this project from the below link.
You can visit original source page from the below link.